
B. Devendrappa (1899-1986)

"Dr. B Devendrappa (1899-1986), known as the Palace Vidwan of Mysore, was one of the notable musicians in the court of Jayachamaraja Wodeyar.

B Devendrappa was the son of vocalist B S Ramayya. He was born in Ayanur village of Shimoga district, in present-day Karnataka.

He was one of the notable musicians who received various awards including Central Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1963. for Karnatik vocal music and Sangeetha Kalarathna award in 1971.

He was awarded Doctorate. He died in 1986, in Mysore." - (Wikipedia (en) 21.04.2022)

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Hergestellt B. Devendrappa (1899-1986)