
Anne Civarde

"Anne Civardi was born and educated in Africa and has lived in America, but has spent the majority of her life in London. She studied art both in Colorado, USA, and London, where she graduated from Heatherley’s School of Fine Art with a Sculpture Diploma. It was here that her love for stone carving began.

Anne carves in a variety of stone, including alabaster, and also casts her pieces in bronze. The inspiration for the shell shapes and abstract pieces she creates comes from the endless hours she spent collecting and searching for shells on the beaches of Kenya during her childhood. This passion has endured all her life. She also enjoys carving female figures, especially those that evoke the love between a mother and a child.

Anne has exhibited her work extensively and also undertakes commissions for both private and commercial clients.

Anne also writes children’s books. She has written several art books for children, including two on sculpture. “It is never too early to encourage children to appreciate art.” -, 19.11.2019


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Verfasst Anne Civarde
Gezeichnet Georg Thompson ()