

"Higaonon is a Manobo language spoken on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. It is partially (80%) intelligible with Binukid. Higaonon is spoken in the Butuan River basin of north-central Mindanao, comprising northwestern Agusan del Sur Province and the area of Agusan del Norte Province south of Butuan City (Ethnologue)." - (Wikipedia (en) 22.12.2018)

"Higaonon is a Manobo language spoken on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. It is partially (80%) intelligible with Binukid.

Higaonon is spoken in the Butuan River basin of north-central Mindanao, comprising northwestern Agusan del Sur Province and the area of Agusan del Norte Province south of Butuan City (Ethnologue)." - (Wikipedia (en) 11.08.2021)

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Hergestellt Higaonon
Gesammelt Hans Brandeis ()