
Amadokos II (-351 v. Chr.)

"Amadocus (Greek: Ἀμάδoκoς; lived 4th century BC) was a ruler in Thrace, who inherited in conjunction with Berisades and Cersobleptes the dominions of Cotys, on the death of the latter in 358 BC. Amadocus was probably a son of Cotys and a brother of the other two princes, though this is not stated by Demosthenes. The area controlled by Amadocus was west of the river Hebrus.

When Cersobleptes negotiated with Philip II of Macedonia for a combined attack on the Chersonese, Amadocus refused to allow Philip passage through his territory, in consequence of which the scheme came to nothing." - (Wikipedia (en) 17.11.2019)

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Beauftragt Amadokos II (-351 v. Chr.)
Beauftragt Kleanax ()