
J. Jackson (Fotograf)

"John Falconer, British Library
A Biographical Dictionary of 19th Century Photographers in South and South-East Asia
Commercial, Burma
Firm listed as Privates Bentley and Jackson, Rangoon, 1865-69, Jackson and Lourie (?Lawrie),1870, J. Jackson 1871-84, Klier and Jackson 1885-8, J. Jackson, 15 Phayre Street, Rangoon 1891-1900, 278 Dalhousie Street 1901-15. Not listed 1916. With A. Jackson as assistant in late 1880s. Premises at 15 Phayre Street in 1891 and at 278 Dalhousie Street in 1910.[1] Published Some views of Burma with Notes (Miles Standish and Co., Rangoon, c.1903), which contains a view of his studio, with the following note: ‘Mr Jackson, the oldest established photographer in Rangoon, still carries on business in the old corner which, with the new building recently erected thereon, defies recognition by old Rangoonites who have not been here to see the many changes that have been taking place in recent years.’. The original firm was possibly purchased from E. M. Pascal. Claimed to be the longest-established photographic firm in Burma.
View of the base of the Shwe Dagon Pagoda, Rangoon, 1860s, in album in possession of John Randall, is clearly signed in the negative, ‘ Photo by F.H. Jackson.’", zitiert nach:, 06.01.2019

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