Kunstbibliothek Modebild – Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek [14134346] (Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin CC BY-NC-SA)
Herkunft/Rechte: Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Anna Russ (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Gallery of Fashion, Fig. 148, 149: Morning Dresses

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„Fig. 148. Fig. 149.
Published as the Act directs Aug.t 1. 1797, by N. Heideloff at the Gallery of Fashion Office, No. 90, Wardour Street."
Modedruck aus der Londoner Zeitschrift Gallery of Fashion. 1. August 1797.
Morning Dresses.
The front hair cropped and combed straight round the face, and crossed
with bandeaux of braided hair and yellow riband; the hind hair falling
upon the shoulders, the ends turned up in very easy curls. Chip hat, very
low and flat in the crown, lined with pink, trimmed with a garland of
flowers, small rosette of yellow riband, and a stem of flowers in the front.
Muslin dress, trimmed with two rows of pink riband in the train, and che-
mise front, drawn together upon the shoulders, and fixed by a gold clasp;
short full sleeves tied in the middle of the arm with a yellow riband. Pink
sash. Yellow gloves and shoes. Oblong pearl ear-rings.
The hair cropped very short, and thrown into natural curls. Mellon-
ribbed hat of blue crape, tied under the chin with white riband; three small
curled white feathers placed on the right. Dress à la Wurtemberg of plain
muslin; the middle of the train separated by a broad net-work, and the
bottom trimmed with a blue riband; body and belt in small plaits; short
sleeves in returned plaits, fixed by small pearl buttons; plaiting of lace
round the neck. Wurtemberg sash of broad blue riband over the shoulder,
tied on the left side into a bow. Light blue gloves and shoes.


Kolorierte Radierung


Blattmaß: 29,5 x 23,4 cm


Objekt aus: Kunstbibliothek

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