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The state waggoner and John Bull

Kunstbibliothek Modebild Einblattdruck [14155925] (Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin CC BY-NC-SA)
Herkunft/Rechte: Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin / Dietmar Katz (CC BY-NC-SA)
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The State Waggoner, and John Bull, - or - The Waggon/ too much for the Donkeys! -/ together with a distant view of the New Coalition among Johnny's Old Horses - Publish'd March 14th 1804, by H. Humphrey, 27 S.t James's Street London. Addington/ Sheridan/ Windham/ Grenville/ Fox/ Canning/ Pitt/ Buckingham/ Wilberforce/ Landsdown/ Erskine/ Carlisle My Dear son/ Having sent John Bull on the Lion/ with some luck which Mr Lawrence was conveying/ through you to the Duke, I have ventur'd to send/ you instead of John out of patience, the last effort/ of Mr Gillray - you will see it is a little at the expense/ of your friend Mr Addington, but as Fox & the new/ Coalition come in also, for their share, I hope it/ may amuse you - we are still much in the dark/ with regard to the grand plot of Paris - we expect/ however to hear of the execution of Pichegurd/ Georges as to Moreau, it is [?] he may escape/ for the present. The Flotilla made an attempt to/ come out a few days ago - but a haze of wind &/ the appearance of our ships made it [?] with/ haste & confusion [?]/ but scarcely that/ they are much inclined to indulge us. I suppose/ the plots at Paris will be another [?] for/ his [?] the grand Expedition. I am sorry/ that Lawrence has not been more successful/ in her application. I heard you were about/ to see Mr. Böttiger which I regret much on/ your account. May I request you will have the/ goodness to remember me to Lawrence & my/ other friends with many [?] to Miss Green/ [?]/ March 28th J. Maxwell A/ Monsieur Monsieur Gore/ Weimar/ en Saxe/ Allemagne


Wasserfarbe & Papier


Höhe x Breite: 29,1 x 36,5 (Blatt)


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