
Constantin N. Brailoiu (1893-1958)

"Constantin N. Brăiloiu (October 3, 1809 or 1810–June 19, 1889) was a Wallachian and Romanian politician.

Born in Craiova, he was the oldest child of Nicolae Brăiloiu and his wife, Zoe or Zinca (née Vlădăianu or Vlădoianu). He had two brothers, one of whom died early, and three sisters. His father, born to Iordache Zătreanu and Marghioala Brăiloiu, had been adopted by logothete Dumitrache Brăiloiu around 1788. Brăiloiu, Vlădăianu and Zătreanu are all old boyar families from the Oltenia region. Constantin was married twice: to Coralia Ghica-Brigadier, and then to Ecaterina (Catinca) Hagi Moscu. He had three sons and three daughters by the latter. One of the daughters, Maria, married Anton Berindei. A son, Nicolae, was the father of Constantin Brăiloiu." - (Wikipedia (en) 08.01.2021)

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Collection Universelle de Musique Populaire.Archives Constantin Brăiloiu (1913-1Collection Universelle de Musique Populaire.Archives Constantin Brăiloiu (1913-1Collection Universelle de Musique Populaire.Archives Constantin Brăiloiu (1913-1Collection Universelle de Musique Populaire.Archives Constantin Brăiloiu (1913-1Collection Universelle de Musique Populaire Enregistrée établie par Constantin B
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Gesprochen Constantin N. Brailoiu (1893-1958)
Hergestellt VDE-Gallo

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