
Emperor Anastasius I (430-518)

"Anastasius I (Latin: Flavius Anastasius Augustus; Greek: Ἀναστάσιος; c. 431 – 9 July 518) was Byzantine Emperor from 491 to 518. He made his career as a government administrator. He came to the throne at the age of 61 after being chosen by the wife of his predecessor, Zeno. His religious tendencies caused tensions throughout his reign. Because his name is distinctly and unmistakably Christian (Anastasius means ´resurrection´ in Greek), it indicates that he was born and raised a Christian, in contrast to previous Christian Emperors, most notably Constantine I, who were converts." - ( 31.01.2020)

What we know


died Juli 518 n. Chr.
Husband of Ariadne
was born Dyrrachium
was buried Church of the Holy Apostles


bridegroom Ariadne May 20, 491 CE
official Emperor Byzantine Empire 491-518 n. Chr.

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Ostgoten: TheoderichOstgoten: TheoderichOstgoten: BaduilaGepiden?: PseudoimperialGepiden?: PseudoimperialOstgoten: Pseudoimperial
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Was depicted (Actor) Emperor Anastasius I (430-518)
Commissioned Totila (-552)

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