
Jean-Charles François (1717-1769)

"Jean-Charles François (4 May 1717 – 22 March 1769) was a French engraver.

François was born at Nancy. He was among the pioneers of the so-called "crayon manner" of printmaking, which simulated the appearance of crayon and chalk drawings. He was pensioned by King Louis XV of France, who employed him extensively. His most noted works represent that king and his queen, Pierre Bayle, Erasmus, John Locke, and Nicolas Malebranche.

He died in Paris, aged 51." - ( 24.05.2021)

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Plusieurs Trophées Dessinées et Gravées par Demarteau l´ainé. A Paris Chés l´AutFolge: Umrahmungen, Rahmenmotive u. a. Dessiné et gravé par Girard ... Ce vend à... Livre [Suitte] de Desseins [Leçons d´Ornemens] ... Dessiné par Girard ... GrKopfstudie, bez: Car. Vanloo del., François sc.1 Blatt: Vase auf Sockel, bez: (beschnitten): Francois Sc. 1743.
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Published Jean-Charles François (1717-1769)
Printing plate produced / Drawn Romain Girard (1741-1790)

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