
Quintus Cassius Longinus (-100--47)

"Quintus Cassius Longinus, the brother or cousin of Cassius (the murderer of Julius Caesar), was a governor in Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula, comprising modern Spain and Portugal) for Caesar.

Cassius was one of the tresviri monetales of the Roman mint in 55 BC. He served as a quaestor of Pompey in Hispania Ulterior in 54 BC. In 49 BC, as tribune of the people, he strongly supported the cause of Caesar, by whom he was made governor of Hispania Ulterior. He treated the provincials with great cruelty, and his appointment in 48 BC to take the field against Juba I of Numidia gave him an excuse for fresh oppression. The result was an unsuccessful insurrection at Corduba. Cassius punished the leaders with merciless severity, and made the lot of the provincials harder than ever." - ( 12.08.2021)

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Röm. Republik: Q. Cassius LonginusRöm. Republik: Q. Cassius Longinus
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Created Quintus Cassius Longinus (-100--47)

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