
Guillaume de Roville (1518-1589)

"Guillaume Rouillé (Latin: Gulielmus Rovillium; c.1518-1589), also called Roville or Rovillius, was one of the most prominent humanist bookseller-printers in 16th-century Lyon. He invented the pocket book format called the sextodecimo, printed with sixteen leaves to the folio sheet, half the size of the octavo format, and published many works of history and poetry as well as medicine, in addition to his useful compilations and handbooks.

Rouillé was born in Tours. Though he was a Frenchman, he served his apprenticeship in the Venetian printing-house of Gabriele Giolito de´ Ferrari, and retained his connections with Venice as a source of texts after his arrival in Lyon around 1543." - (Wikipedia (en) 29.02.2020)

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Veröffentlicht Guillaume de Roville (1518-1589)
Geistige Schöpfung / Druckplatte hergestellt Pierre Woeiriot de Bouzey (1532-1599)

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