
Adam van Vianen (1568-1627)

"Adam van Vianen (1568– 1627) was a leading silversmith of the early Dutch Golden Age, who trained as an engraver and was also a medallist. Unlike his brother Paul van Vianen, he spent little time away from his native Utrecht. Together they developed the auricular style which bridges the gap between Northern Mannerist and Baroque ornament." - ( 30.11.2020)

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Modelli Artificiosi ... Modelles Artificiels ... Constighe Modellen [Van verscheVerscheyde Constige Vindingen Om in Gout, Silver, Hout vn Steen te wercken, Dien
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Drawn Adam van Vianen (1568-1627)
Printing plate produced Theodor van Kessel (1619-1696)

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