
Jacques Honervogt (1583-1694)

"Jacques Honervogt (publisher/printer; French; Male; c.1583 - c.1694)
Also known as: Honervogt, Jacques; Honervogt, Jacob
Address: Paris, la ville de Cologne
Biography: Father and son publishers of the same name, the father b. in Cologne, and active in Paris from 1608 (became a French national in 1624) - c.1666, the son c.1623-1694, who continued the business. Their products are impossible to distinguish, and are catalogued here under the one name. Honervogt began as an engraver, before becoming a publisher, and was sued by Rubens for breach of copyright" -, 26.12.2019

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Veröffentlicht Jacques Honervogt (1583-1694)
Geistige Schöpfung Rudolf Schulte (Goldschmied)

Druckplatte hergestellt Jacques Honervogt (1583-1694)
Geistige Schöpfung Rudolf Schulte (Goldschmied)

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