
James Whatman (I) (1702-1759)

"James Whatman (1702–1759), the Elder, was a paper maker, born in Kent, who made revolutionary advances to the craft in England. He is noted as the inventor of wove paper (or Vélin), an innovation used for high-quality art and printing. The techniques continued to be developed by his son, James Whatman the Younger (1741–1798). At a time when the craft was based in smaller paper mills, his innovations led to the large scale and widespread industrialisation of paper manufacturing.

Whatman had been approached by John Baskerville, who needed paper that would take a light impression of the printing plate; this was used for the edition of Virgil´s poetry, embellished with Baskerville´s typography and designs. The earliest examples of wove paper, bearing his watermark, appeared after 1740." - (Wikipedia (en) 18.02.2020)

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Name (zweikonturig): [J WH]ATMA[N] (Fragment)Blatt 1: Name und Ziffer (zweikonturig): 1797/ J W[HATMAN] (Fragment); Blatt 2:Name und Ziffer (zweikonturig): 1816/ J WHATM[AN] (Fragment)Name (zweikonturig): J WHATMANName (zweikonturig): J W[HATMAN] (Fragment)Name (zweikonturig): [J W]HATMAN (Fragment)
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