
Chlothar I (495-561)

"Chlothar I (c. 497 – 29 November 561)[a] was a king of the Franks of the Merovingian dynasty and one of the four sons of Clovis I.

Chlothar´s father, Clovis I, divided the kingdom between his four sons. In 511, Clothar I inherited two large territories on the Western coast of Francia, separated by the lands of his brother Childebert I´s Kingdom of Paris. Chlothar spent most of his life in a campaign to expand his territories at the expense of his relatives and neighbouring realms in all directions.

His brothers avoided outright war by cooperating with his attacks on neighbouring lands in concert or by invading lands when their rulers died. The spoils were shared between the participating brothers. By the end of his life, Chlothar had managed to reunite Francia by surviving his brothers and seizing their territories after they died. But upon his own death, the Kingdom of the Franks was once again divided between his own four surviving sons. A fifth son had rebelled and was killed, along with his family." - ( 02.02.2020)

What we know


died 561 CE
Husband of Radegund
Husband of Waldrada
Husband of Aregund
father of Chilperic I [son of], Aregund [mother of]
father of
son of Clovis I [father of], Clotilde [mother of]


official King

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Commissioned Chlothar I (495-561)

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