
Wilhelm Groener (1867-1939)

"Karl Eduard Wilhelm Groener (22 November 1867 – 3 May 1939) was a German general and politician. His organisational and logistical abilities resulted in a successful military career before and during World War I.

After a confrontation with Erich Ludendorff the Quartermaster general (Erster Generalquartiermeister) of the German Army, Groener was reassigned to a field command. When Ludendorff was dismissed in October 1918, Groener succeeded him. Groener worked with the new Social Democratic president Friedrich Ebert to foil a left-wing take-over during the German Revolution of 1918–19. Under his command, the army bloodily suppressed popular uprisings throughout Germany." - ( 20.09.2020)

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Schulz, Paul: Generalleutnant Wilhelm GroenerSchulz, Paul: Generalleutnant Wilhelm Groener
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Was depicted (Actor) Wilhelm Groener (1867-1939)

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