
Vettor di Antonio Gambello

"Vettor di Antonio Gambello, known as Camelio, was a son of Antonio da San Zaccaria (NGA 1957.14.729.a,b) and was active as a medalist, die-engraver, bronze sculptor, armorer, and jeweler. He is first mentioned in 1484 as the master of the dies of the Venetian Mint, where he worked until 1530. He may have visited Rome for the production of a portrait medal of Pope Sixtus IV (NGA 1957.14.738.a,b) although one other papal commission, a medal of Pope Julius II (Hill 1930, no. 445) dated 1506, also was struck in Venice. As early as 1487, Camelio was described as sumo maestro in quest’arte (a highest master of this art) and his salary was raised. In the financial crisis of 1506, however, his salary was lowered in common with those of other officials. ..." -, 23.08.2018

"Vittore Gambello (1460–1537) was an Italian sculptor and medallist.

Gambello was born in Venice, and initially studied drawing under Giovanni Bellini.

He was first noted for his work with medals. Gambello was granted the title "Maestro della Stampe" at the Venetian Mint in 1484. Instead of using the established techniques of casting medals in sand or using the lost-wax process, he perfected a method for stamping medals in high relief. This led to the ability to get more detail and create larger production runs.

Some of his works reside at the Cleveland Museum of Art." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

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Vettor Gambello: Julius II.
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Hergestellt Vettor di Antonio Gambello
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Julius II. (Papst) (1443-1513)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Jesus Christus

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