

"Graphics (from Greek γραφικός graphikos, "belonging to drawing") are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain. In contemporary usage, it includes a pictorial representation of data, as in computer-aided design and manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational software. Images that are generated by a computer are called computer graphics.

Examples are photographs, drawings, line art, graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings,or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color. Graphic design may consist of the deliberate selection, creation, or arrangement of typography alone, as in a brochure, flyer, poster, web site, or book without any other element. Clarity or effective communication may be the objective, association with other cultural elements may be sought, or merely, the creation of a distinctive style." - ( 30.09.2019)

What we know

method / technique

method / technique Käthe Kollwitz
method / technique Luise Begas-Parmentier
method / technique Auguste Hüssener
method / technique Gertrud Körner
method / technique Ilse Schütze-Schur
method / technique Clara Siewert
method / technique Hedwig Weiß
method / technique Julie Wolfthorn
method / technique Albert Brendel
method / technique Art of painting, Watercolor Frieda Blell

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

BühnenbildentwurfPorträt des Karl I., König von England mit seiner FamilieAnsicht von Venedig aus der Vogelperspektive von Süden aus gesehenDruck
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