

"Genre (from French genre, meaning ´kind, sort´) is any form or type of communication in any mode (written, spoken, digital, artistic, etc.) with socially-agreed-upon conventions developed over time. Genre is most popularly known as a category of literature, music, or other forms of art or entertainment, whether written or spoken, audio or visual, based on some set of stylistic criteria, yet genres can be aesthetic, rhetorical, communicative, or functional. Genres form by conventions that change over time as cultures invent new genres and discontinue the use of old ones. Often, works fit into multiple genres by way of borrowing and recombining these conventions. Stand-alone texts, works, or pieces of communication may have individual styles, but genres are amalgams of these texts based on agreed-upon or socially inferred conventions. Some genres may have rigid, strictly adhered-to guidelines, while others may show great flexibility." - ( 12.11.2019)

What we know

art style

art style Ulrike Laar
art style Julie von der Lage
art style Auguste Ludwig
art style Emma Mathieu
art style Paula Monjé
art style Clara Oenicke
art style Marie von der Osten
art style Marie Pischon
art style Julie Ratti
art style Johanna Riedel
art style Anna Schleh
art style Marie Ulrike Hainchelin
art style Copy Louise Henry
art style Suzanne Chodowiecka
art style Anna Jaeger
art style Angelica Kauffmann
art style Anna Dorothea Therbusch
art style Bertha Violet dit Chevalier
art style Antonie Volkmar
art style Caroline Bardua
art style Minna Pfüller
art style Henriette Félicité Tassaert
art style
art style Battle, Portrait, Humoreske Ludwig Elsholtz
art style Historie, Wall painting, Portrait Eduard Daege
art style Landscape, Architectural painting, Interior, Portrait, Still life Rudolf Dammeier
art style Karl Hagemeister

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

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