
Bronwen Neil

"Fields of research: Byzantine social, cultural and intellectual history; Patristics; Late Antiquity; Byzantine Greek; Eastern Christianity; the Early Middle Ages and Latin language and literature" - gnd, 24.02.2019

"Bronwen Neil is Professor of Ancient History at Macquarie, and member of the Macquarie University Ancient Cultures Research Centre. She studied Linguistics, Classics and Ancient History at the University of Queensland (1987-1991), before undertaking a Master of Arts in Theological Research at Durham University, UK (1997/1998) and completing her PhD at Australian Catholic University in 1999. Subsequently, she joined the Centre for Early Christian Studies there (2000-2015), serving as Associate Director (2014-2015). From 2001-2005 she held an ARC Postgraduate Research Fellowship, while teaching in the School of Theology at ACU. In 2010 she was appointed the inaugural holder of the Burke Senior Lectureship in Ecclesiastical Latin, and in 2015 was promoted to Associate Professor. She was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship (2014-2018) and joined Macquarie University as Professor of Ancient History in 2017." -, 24.02.2019

"Bronwen Neil FAHA (born 1969) is Professor of Ancient History at Macquarie University. She is an expert on Byzantine Greek and medieval literature, early Christianity, and ancient letter collections in Greek and Latin." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

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